Join MOS

Membership Benefits

* International national and regional speakers share with us their expertise during a program of slides, comments and question-and-answer sessions.* A plant show table where members’ flowering orchids can voluntarily be reviewed and commented on by our team of experts.* All members receive a monthly newsletter (except during July and August) with information about the next meeting’s program, results of the last meeting’s show table, future orchid events.* Members may buy or sell plants at the monthly Sales Table. Very often, there are special plants offered for sale by the featured speaker.* Our annual orchid auction is held in the fall. Members are able to bid on a large variety of orchids at this auction.* Members may use the Society’s extensive library of books, magazines and orchid video tapes.

* Members are encouraged to participate in designing and setting up orchid displays in local orchid shows, bus trips to orchid events, greenhouse tours and free workshops on orchid culture.

* Members receive an updated Membership List in January of each year.

* 10% discount or more at many of the garden centers and related stores in the Greater Winnipeg region.

Guests are always welcome! Please visit one of our monthly meetings to see. Why not join us! Membership is on an annual basis, the membership year being September 01 through August 31. A new membership may be purchased at any time but the fee is not pro-rated. Membership fees are  $30.00 and $10.00 for each family member over the age of 14  living at the same address (14 and under are free). if membership in the Manitoba Orchid Society is for you.
Applications are available for download here:
MOS Membership Application.pdf  If you want to save a application to your computer and view the application form off line, do this: right click on the application form of your choice. A small window will pop up, click on Save Target as… This will bring up another window where you may specify where to save the application form.
Memberships are nonrefundable and are due in September. Please make cheques payable to the Manitoba Orchid Society.